Thank you to Joy for your comments - it’s true re the breaking my fast earlier to avoid sickness - it wasn’t done on purpose- it was that that day was so crazy busy and I was from one thing straight into an other it wasn’t until I was finished with that part of the day that I realised If not eaten. I’d never do it on purpose. So after a week on plan, Friday after school meant travel to the lakes to be on the hen party that was postponed from two years ago - thanks covid.
The bridesmaids were chief organisers. We got there to a huge platter of buffet goodness! What I loved about it was - they’d covered the table in foil and just arranged the food on the foil. Zero washing up and it looked AMAZING!
So sticking to my guns, I only drank water, I chose l
Salad, ham and a few dollops of full fat dips. I had two platefuls
Of salad. I didn’t have any of the cake, brownies and crispies on offer either. I went to bed about 10pm shattered. Next day, I had some strawberries and blueberries for breakfast and then I scrambled an egg, with a little milk in a cup in the microwave
Then because the planned boat cruise was cancelled due to the horrific weather, we had some time to mooch round the shops in Bowness before the cocktail making at 3pm
Charity shop -1, teddies bought for Bluebell - 2, small bowl of chips in Bryson’s tearoom -1 ! Lovely with a cup of tea and a perfect pre cocktail making snack.
Cocktail making was fun
I had a blackberry gin and lemonade in there before making a pornstar martini which we were instructed to drink with a shot of prosecco - it was good fun - we were behind the bar doing it for real! Then I made something else that was delicious blue sunset on the shore or something but I forget it’s name. Then we had a baileys espresso shot. Again yum.
Next we went to the lakeside pizza bar where I had a pink cherry gin which was my last alcoholic drink of the day. I had water after that. I ordered a vegetarian pizza but in a fit of greed I also ordered a garlic bread with cheese. Well I ate maybe 3/4 max of the pizza and 3 slices of GBWC. It was salty. The pizza bases with very thin but I was so full and my mouth had been tingling since!!
Back at the house where we stayed earlier, myself and two chums had a face mask and a cup of tea!
Sunday morning - this morning - I had a milky coffee and two poached eggs on one slice of toast. I made poached eggs for the others too. I had the ones that broke!
Then we packed up and travelled home. I don’t think I did too ‘badly’ as it were. I chose well Friday. I wish I’d not ordered the GBWC but I did.
I got home and we nipped to Sainsrobbers for a few bits before going to my Ma in laws: was quite busy and active there. Came home and had a tiny little bit of pate and some prawn cocktail on two thin finger slices of seeded bread. Broke a bit of knackered tooth off round an old filling! So now my tongue is sore from always finding the jagged bit that feels like a cavern.
I roasted a chicken for tea. I had plain boiled potatoes which were so nice for a change ( men folk had buttery mash as per ) and I did have stuffing made with butter and glazed carrots made with butter, cauli and cavelike Nero. Forgot to take a photo.
I’ve booked a ‘holiday’ from SW tomorrow as I’m also out for Afternoon tea which is something I do with my friend in honour of her Mum. We normally go quaite posh but tomorrow we are upping the posh stakes by goi g to Lindeth Howe!
My plan is to fast until afternoon tea at 1 and probably not bother with anything else until Tuesday when FSW8 or whatever it was I called it, will recommence and it being Half Term means I can get on with it properly!
I am very content with this week. I almost backed out of going. I’m so glad I didn’t.
TTBLF after tomorrow!
That all sounds great fun and the food (and drink) looks amazing. I'm glad you had such fun and, yes, SW will be there when you are ready and able.