Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 Last night’s results were triumphant, both on the scales ( another 3.5lbs off - helped by my stomach bug over the weekend no doubt ) and my curry went down a storm. I use the pon butternut and butterbean tikka masala recipe for the base sauce and I sub chicken for the veggies - only bc I’ve no butternut squash in - served with 0% Yeo valley Greek yog with coriander stirred through. I took the mutti tomato purée tin to share the brand I rave about but only buy if on offer as it is more expensive than the others but the flavour is worth it. I’m not opposed to using smart price basics Tom purée at all but I am worth the extra cost for a better taste experience because that is important to me! 

Here is it on the table.

 In my little Christmassy festive book I wrote ‘do not go mad at taster’ and I didn’t! Here’s the full table! Lots of things still covered up to keep warm. 

 There were two different crustless quiches, both delicious. Salmon pate and veggie sticks - I wish I wish I liked salmon because everyone else liked it! My curry which was very popular. There was a South African spiced stew, baby bel stuffed jacket potatoes made by homity pie man ha ha so you bake your potato in the slow cooker or oven, when half done, slit it and slide in a baby bel, wrap in foil and finish baking. Really lovely it was, quite different to a traditional Jacket potato and cheese! A huge colourful tuna salad, flasks of soup - one was the pretend Heinz tomato SW recipe which is revolting! I’ve made it and thought yuk, I must have done something wrong but no, I tasted a spoon of the one at group - identical to mine, yak!!! It’s tinned tomatoes, carrots, baked beans and pickled onions. Does not do it for me I’m afraid! The other soup was a very thick chicken and vegetable broth - very good. There were lots of different Taoist and people brought low sun crisps and snacks to try - I didn’t - remembered by mantra! Usually there’s more sweet things but the group went savoury. Someone made the sw Ferraro rochers which are GOOD , there were the ‘pink and white’ marshmallow biscuits which you microwave to get the middle gooey, someone brought some chicken tikka pieces from Iceland which I’ve had and are lovely. Someone made spicy carrots and Bombay potatoes, SW samosas and oh yes someone made the SW weetabix cake that was lovely and some cinnamon swirls - low synned SW recipes. 

It was a good group - lots of people there. I was spurred on with my 3.5lbs however it happened and now I go on! 

It’s very early Wednesday morning and I’m sat here in the dark, with the dog on my knee thinking about the day ahead and how I’m going to enjoy the food I plan to have. I will fast until lunch and then will have something very quick because I’ll be walking madam - think I’ll make some overnight oats with some frozen berries and yogurt and chia seeds I think before I go to work. Yea- I’m going to have a Julia Childs omelette - I think it tastes different to me because it uses butter and maybe how it’s cooked? I may do two for the blog and show one how I used to always do them and now my new way!  and side salad. I was a little off plan at teatime yesterday because I got in from work and made some pastry for using up the leftover brisket from Sunday. 

I only had a smallish piece and my pastry is very thin and lovely! So synned the pastry and called it 10 and then the beef is free, potatoes, free, gravy 4syns and I had it with mushy peas, leftover cabbage from Sunday and some pickled red cabbage and pickled beetroot so lots of speed ( and pink wee this morning ) ! I’d had a light lunch of cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes and my homemade tomatoes, a slice of ham and a little roast beef. Delicious and filling!


Feeling successful and seeing the numbers going down is a feeling I like as opposed to the stuffed to the gills uncomfortable feeling after over eating the wrong things. I’ve so many clothes I could be wearing - so I will keep on keeping on it! For today at least, that’s the plan! 

R x 

1 comment:

  1. Really well done, congratulations. All those food photos - yummy!!


Trying to be less fat, but with Covid

 For me - I failed to have the will power to do this!  Also I have two fonts on the go. This is Quicksand.  Also I have two fonts on the go....