Friday, March 18, 2022


 Well I have a proper chesty cough and sore throat and itchy ears and I'm moaning! I've LFTed and thankfully it is negative. Im too tired to really waffle on for a while. 

Been pretty much on track really. I baked two sweet potatoes and have had them for tea yesterday with the campfire stew and salad. I had one today for lunch with leaves and some branston pickle thats 4 syns but I really fancied some. 

Tea tonight was mix a bag of quorn pieces with a nandos paprika and lime seasoning for 2 and a half syns and shared it with my son. There's half left so I had a quarter. Was so fast and nice. Am off to watch comic relief. Not sure how much sleep I will get tonight with this cough. moan whinge. 

TTBLF a nandos quorn piece at a time!

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